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Text-To-Speech For Elementary Teachers

Elementary education is the basis of education in children’s lives, as it is the stage in which they will form their character, the basic skills they will need to face the different situations that arise in their lives, they will learn values ​​and skills for their social development, among other aspects. Given the changes that the world is experiencing day by day thanks to technological advances and globalization, the educational system has also had to adapt to new needs. Part of it is the overstimulation that children are exposed to due to new media and electronic devices. Education in schools seeks to take advantage of new methodologies and technologies to bring children closer to knowledge. As teachers, we must leave our comfort zone to take advantage of interactivity and the multimedia world; generating new strategies that capture the interest of students so that they can acquire the necessary learning. Thus, in this article, we will talk about Text-To-Speech For Elementary Teachers.

The skills that children require are different from what we had to learn. The purpose of primary education is individual development and personal balance based on a common formation. Basic education ensures the correct literacy of children to face middle and higher education, the one that will determine their future; they will need to learn to read, write, basic math, and some important cultural concepts for development.

Text-To-Speech For Elementary Teachers

What is a Text-To-Speech Converter?

Text To Speech Converters or TTS are software that turn almost any file containing text into MP3 audio. These Saas are becoming increasingly popular in a wide variety of industries. Although they have gained the most weight in commercial areas, such as YouTube, broadcasts, TV, IVR voiceover, and other businesses; this simple but effective tool can be used in any field. Therefore, we recommend you learn more about them. Here we recommend Woord and we leave you a brief description of how and why to use it.

Why Are Text-To-Speech Useful In Elementary Education?

In the case of primary schools, using TTS can be a great idea to stimulate different aspects of children’s development with audio stories; below we will leave you a brief list of some of the reasons why audio stories are beneficial for the little ones

  • Improve their ability to pay attention and listen
  • Develop their imagination
  • Helps their emotional and social development
  • They improve their grammar and vocabulary
  • Take a break from screens
  • Easy to learn languages

How To Use Woord?

Since its interface is extremely intuitive, as we said before, you won’t have any trouble. Once you go you just have to follow these steps:

  • First, you must choose, or why not? invent the story
  • Next, choose the format of the file; some of the options you can choose from are pdf, txt, doc(x), pages, odt, and ppt(x). You can also write or transcribe it directly in the SSML editor.
Text-To-Speech For Elementary Teachers
  • Then, select some audio settings: gender of the voice, the language of the voice, voice speed, and device profiles.
  • To conclude, press the button ‘speak it!’; the audio will be ready in a few seconds. You can listen to it before downloading and go back if it needs some more editing.

And that’s it. So easy you can have all the audio stories you want for your little students with Woord.

For More Ideas On The Use Of TTS In The Classroom We Recommend…

How Text-To-Speech Aids Visually Impaired Students

Teachers: Take Care Of Your Voice With Text-To-Speech

Also published on Medium.

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