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Use This API To Acquire US Futures Market In 2023

Would you like to buy the prices of the futures market in the United States? Surely, you are looking for an easy and simple service to use, and in that case, we have the best option for you! It is a service with a large number of tools for investors. Check this US futures market API!

Futures are financial contracts in which two parties (a buyer and a seller) agree to exchange a commodity for a fixed price on a date in the future. The futures market gives the buyer the obligation to buy the underlying market, and the seller the obligation to sell on or before the expiration date of the contract. Futures are priced according to their underlying market spot value; plus any spread or commission you pay the broker for executing your trade.

Use This API To Acquire US Futures Market In 2023

The forces of supply and demand also play a role in determining how the price of a futures contract will move, as higher demand and lower supply will cause prices to rise, while lower demand and lower supply higher will cause prices to fall. It is a risky strategy, but implemented correctly will allow you to obtain great benefits. For example, imagine you want to buy gold. If you think the price of gold will rise in the coming months, you can buy in the futures market for a lower price at a future date. Perhaps when you have to pay the price, the gold is at a lower price and in that case, you will have lost money. But the opposite can also happen and the price of gold is much higher. In that case, you will have won a lot of money.

Be that as it may, the conclusion will always be the same, you will need a platform that allows you to invest with greater security. And that platform is Metals – API!

Use Metals-API to acquire US Futures Market

To invest in the US futures market, everyone advises having the right tools. Those tools will be provided by Metals – API! What this platform does is fulfill its function as an API, that is, connect you with futures stock exchanges in the United States and the rest of the world. Then the information you will receive is 100% accurate and up-to-date, which will help you to invest more safely. In this type of market, every second, every minute is important, that’s why this platform will provide you with prices with a frequency of 60 seconds and an accuracy of up to 2 decimal places.

Use This API To Acquire US Futures Market In 2023

In addition, another characteristic of this system is its simplicity. We will teach you how to trade with Metals – API!

1. Register with your personal data, choose a password and create your account.
2. Select the plan you want, each with different features. Choose carefully. But you can change the plan for a better or worse one if you regretted your initial decision.
3. In the Dashboard panel, you will see your API key and the panel to make the API Call. You must choose the Legal Tender and the symbol of the product you want. For example, the symbol for gold is XAU. After that, run the Endpoint and that’s it, you’ll have the updated data!

At [email protected] you can send your questions and doubts. Very useful if you want to take full advantage of the functions offered by Metals – API!

Published inAppsApps, technologyTechnology
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