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Use This API To Generate Detailed Emission Metrics For Shipping Methods Via Land

Over 90 percent of world trade is carried across the world’s oceans by some 90,000 marine vessels. Like all modes of transportation that use fossil fuels, ships produce carbon dioxide emissions that significantly contribute to global climate change and acidification. Besides carbon dioxide ships also release a handful of other pollutants that contribute to the problem.

In addition to ships, ports contain a vast array of diesel-powered machinery: straddle carriers, terminal tractors, and reach lifters. Diesel-powered engines result in elevated emissions of various pollutants. They also make a lot of noise, another form of pollution. Added to the shipping emissions this makes ports a significant net contributor to pollution in large port cities. Moreover, shipping is responsible for over three percent of global anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions and is growing. Over the last three decades, the shipping industry has grown by an average of five percent per year.

Reducing air pollution from ships and ports is a top priority for many administrations; however, it can incur significant costs and is often politically challenging. So the first step is to quantify the problem and to fully understand the type and sources of pollution. To do that a carbon footprint calculator API must be put into action.

Use This API To Generate Detailed Emission Metrics For Shipping Methods Via Land

A CO2 emissions calculator API offers a more accurate and convenient way to calculate the amount of carbon dioxide in our environment, helping us make better decisions when trying to offset the existing carbon footprint. Identifying and quantifying CO2 emissions helps to identify excessive energy usage or other inefficiencies. Lowering GHG emissions typically goes hand in hand with increasing efficiency and cost-effectiveness in a company’s processes.

The Try Carbon API by Zyla Labs allows you to calculate the total environmental effect of freight transportation, shipment flows, and logistical energy usage across the whole supply chain. The best carbon footprint API calculates carbon emissions via land, marine, and air transportation. Also, it allows you to transform liters of Diesel, Petrol, or LPG into CO2 equivalent in Kg. By this, you can accomplish your environmental goals and progress toward a cleaner future, and CarbonAPI can assist you in calculating your fleet transportation emissions.

As regards the API, it is easy to integrate. CarbonAPI cloud infrastructure makes user interface integration simple. You can customize the API integration to match your brand’s look, feel, and functionality. Also, it calculates emissions in real time. The API calculates the emissions ejected in production units per hour, material consumption units per hour, or whichever units the emission factor is expressed in. What is more, the API provides transparent reporting. You can upload consumption of up to 1 year ago and the Try Carbon API emits the CO2 emissions in KG. Besides, this API provides you with analytical graphs of your consumption.

Use This API To Generate Detailed Emission Metrics For Shipping Methods Via Land

All you have to do is send your data. You can send footprint data through the API or upload it directly from the website. For example, you can add information related to energy consumption, package shipping, freight & logistics, flights, vehicles, and more. The carbon data API will classify the information and through different calculations, it will return your carbon footprint in kg of carbon.

To sum up, like all modes of transportation that use fossil fuels, ships produce carbon dioxide emissions that significantly contribute to global climate change and acidification. For that, the carbon emissions API helps industries achieve climate goals and impulse social responsibility in your company.

Published inAppsApps, technologyCategoryTechnology
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