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Use This Carbon Data API And Slash CO2 Emissions

The entire amount of greenhouse gasses (such as carbon dioxide and methane) produced by our actions is known as our carbon footprint. The average carbon footprint of a person in the United States is 16 tons, one of the highest rates in the world. 

The average carbon footprint across the globe is closer to 4 tons. By 2050, the average worldwide carbon footprint per year must fall to under 2 tons in order to have the best chance of preventing a rise in global temperatures of 2°C.

Individual carbon footprint reduction from 16 tons to 2 tons takes time! We can start to have a significant impact by making minor adjustments to our behavior, such as eating less meat, booking fewer connecting flights, and line-drying our clothes.

Emissions of greenhouse gasses are caused by many of our regular activities. For instance, burning gasoline while driving, heating our homes with gas or oil, or using electricity produced from coal, natural gas, and oil all result in the release of greenhouse gasses. Individuals emit different amounts of greenhouse gasses depending on their environment, lifestyle, and personal preferences.

Use This Carbon Data API And Slash CO2 Emissions

For example:

The type of fuel your power plant uses to produce the energy and the amount you use will determine how many greenhouse gas emissions are produced by the electricity you use at home.

The efficiency of your furnace and boiler, the size and insulation of your home, the amount and type of fuel utilized, and these factors together determine the amount of greenhouse gasses they generate.

Your automobile or truck’s emissions are influenced by how you drive, how often you travel, and how fuel-efficient it is (e.g., the amount of time spent idling in traffic).

Additionally, the more recycling you perform, the less garbage will be dumped in landfills and the less greenhouse gas emissions will be produced during the processing of raw materials.

Do You Want To Export and Read Your Carbon Footprints Using an API? 

Using CarbonAPI will help your business determine how much carbon your emissions-producing activities have contributed to. The objective of this API is to aid in the fight against global warming. 

It’s an easy and economical approach to fulfill your reporting obligations regarding the environment. It might make it easier to measure and track your efforts to reduce emissions. Also, your companie will live longer and you will be able to pitch it as environmentally friendly because alternative energy sources are less expensive.

Use This Carbon Data API And Slash CO2 Emissions

CarbonAPI helps to figure out how much energy is used in kWh, how far a flight is, and how much weight is transported over how many kilometers or miles. If you’re calculating your carbon footprint over a year, you must input the total number of miles you’ve driven in the past 12 months. Calculating our environmental effect is a great place to start, focusing on taking proactive action to reduce the effects of climate change. In addition to that, it will present your company as one that is willing to share its innovative ideas with the rest of the world.

With this Carbon Calculator API flight emissions can also be computed. First, the bigger circle approach is used to estimate the distance between the chosen airports. Then, this is multiplied by the relevant emissions factor for the type of flight (domestic, international, or long-haul) and the class of seat occupied (e.g. economy class, business class etc.). One of the factors to take into account when calculating emissions is distance uplift, which is used to make up for flights that don’t take the shortest path, such as those that fly into international airspace or stack.

To give an instance, a first class seat would occupy a larger area per passenger than an economy class equivalent, and thus account for a larger percentage of the overall plane’s emissions. Different emission factors are calculated based on the relative area of the aircraft occupied by different seating classes.

Use This Carbon Data API And Slash CO2 Emissions

Using this API, a transparent report will be assured. Through this, you can also get analytical graphs, uploading up to a year’s worth of consumption. 

Published inAppsApps, technologyTechnology
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