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What’s API Will Give You Zinc Fluctuation Data

Are you seeking an API that can supply you with data on zinc price fluctuations? This article will provide you with all of the information you want!

The majority of zinc is used to prevent other metals from corroding, such as iron. Car bodywork, street lamp poles, safety barriers, and suspension bridges are all made of galvanized steel. Zinc is utilized extensively in die-castings, which are employed in the automotive, electrical, and hardware sectors. Brass, nickel silver, and aluminum solder are zinc-based alloys.

Zinc oxide can be found in paints, rubber, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, plastics, inks, soaps, batteries, textiles, and electrical equipment, among other things. Luminous paints, fluorescent lights, and x-ray screens all include zinc sulfide.

What's API Will Give You Zinc Fluctuation Data

The price of zinc has increased in recent months. If you work in one of these fields, you should keep an eye on how the values evolve. You can choose the optimal time to invest if you know the fluctuation data. A programming interface (API) is a tool that can help you with this. It’s a piece of software that allows two programs on different machines to interact.

Metals-API is the most recent API designed for this purpose, and it supports a wide range of metals and currencies. Every minute, it collects and updates all critical data from the world’s leading financial institutions. It gives information on price variations in metals.

What's API Will Give You Zinc Fluctuation Data

Follow these steps to get started:

  1. By going to, you can get an API key.
  2. To find the one you want, look for a list of zinc symbols (ZNC) and currency indicators on the internet.
  3. Make the API request once you’ve added metal and currency to the list of symbols.
  4. You have the choice of utilizing JSON or PHP as a coding language.

This is the API request:
? access_key = API_KEY
& start_date = 2015-12-01
& end_date = 2015-12-24

And this is the API response:


Why Metals-API?

This API can convert zinc, gold, silver, and over 170 other currencies to exact conversion rates, including Bitcoin and other major cryptocurrencies. Real-time precious metals data with two decimal places of precision and a refresh rate of up to 60 seconds is also available through API.

Metals-API is the only place where you can get data on midpoint exchange rates. The average median rate of Bid and Ask during a certain time is used to compute midpoint rates. Metals-API collects data from some of the world’s most prestigious financial organizations. The JSON API (JavaScript Object Notation) eliminates the need for each program to build its ad hoc code to connect to servers that communicate in a certain manner.

Published inAppsTechnology
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