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Best Carbon Calculator API For Switzerland Companies

In this article, we recommend a carbon calculator API to help companies in Switzerland who want to reduce their carbon dioxide footprint.

Although Switzerland is not the most polluting country in the world, it has a hard time meeting its CO2 reduction targets. It drew a lot of attention when the referendum on the Climate Law came out against it with 51% of the votes.

Best Carbon Calculator API For Switzerland Companies

This country had set within its objectives, to reduce emissions by 20%, taking as its initial footprint that of 1990. However, the country came close to meeting this objective, remaining at a 19% reduction.

To achieve this, much less heating was used in homes during the winter. This was related to the quarantine and that it was not such a cold winter. However, as soon as the pandemic measures were lifted, emissions grew again. On the other hand, the industrial sector was able to reduce 17% of CO2 between 2013 and 2020.

The central concern in Switzerland for not having achieved the objectives is fixed on transport. As in many places in the world, this sector is the largest emitter of carbon dioxide. While they had a 10% mitigation goal, they were only able to hit 8%. Unfortunately, the objectives were not achieved as alternative energies such as biogas had been used on top of that.

On the other hand, in the construction sector, they were also at the limit of meeting the objectives. CO2 emissions fell by 39%, while the projected target was 40%. Unfortunately, a large portion of fossil fuels is still used in building heating systems. Then, concerning other sectors, such as agriculture, they were also unable to meet their goals.

Use An API

Probably if a Swiss businessman is reading this it is because he is thinking about how to help mitigate CO2 emissions. Although the goals set by the government could not be achieved, it is important to know what is the percentage with which it was possible.

This makes it possible to better adjust the different measures, both extending those that served and limiting those that did not. This is in the sense that, for example, the winter during the pandemic has been warmer is beyond human reach, in reality, it is necessary to see how homes can be heated with alternative energies.

This type of conclusion can be drawn thanks to the use of a carbon calculator API. This will allow you to keep track of your carbon footprint in Switzerland. In addition, the fact that it is an API allows you to use it in your app or website to share your ecological actions with the world. Perhaps in this way, I will be able to infect others to follow this path.

To do this job as completely as possible, you can use the CarbonAPI which will allow you to monitor your emissions over time. You can also find exhaustive documentation to obtain emission data for all types of activity.

Best Carbon Calculator API For Switzerland Companies

About CarbonAPI

CarbonAPI is one of the most complete APIs that you will find on the net. It is a key tool to combat global warming. You can also start using the free plan. If you are a programmer you will be able to use it in many programming languages for your convenience.

Published inApps, technology
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