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Get Lumber Prices In New Zealand Dollar

Do you need wood to meet New Zealand demand? Well, we have good news. Here we will leave you the best commodities rates api.

Wood is a generic term applicable to the material of which the woody parts of the trunks or branches of trees and shrubs are made. Wood is essentially a set of elongated and parallel cellulose fibers bound by a material known as lignin, also containing hemicellulose in a kind of filler. In its composition are mostly hydrogen, oxygen, carbon and nitrogen with smaller amounts of potassium, sodium, calcium, silicon and other elements.

The most important properties of lumber, from a commercial and use point of view, are: thermal expansion, thermal conductivity, electrical conductivity, its durability (resistance of lumber over time), its acoustics (to create musical instruments) and its flexibility. In addition, it is much cheaper than other materials such as cement, to build houses. However, these characteristics depend on the type of wood and the type of tree trunk. Be that as it may, it is still an incredible raw material, very used all over the world.

For a country as small but as developed as New Zealand, it is important to import thousands of tons of wood, to meet the demand of its 5 million inhabitants. For this, it is first necessary to know its updated price, to avoid buying it at very high rates. We recommend using the Commodities-API for this type of situation.

Get Lumber Prices In New Zealand Dollar

What is Commodities-API?

Commodities-API is one of the world’s leading commodity trading services; currently number 1 in its market. It was created to save time and, above all, money. The latter is because this API receives price information from more than 15 trusted data sources, such as banks and financial institutions. In this way, you can be 100% sure that the information is 100% true. For example, if you are looking for CME Group rates API (the world’s largest financial derivatives exchange), Commodities-API will find what you are looking for!

On the other hand, this platform can also deliver commodity data in real time with an accuracy of 2 decimal points and a frequency of up to 60 seconds. It is incredibly fast and precise.

To find out lumber prices, you’ll need to follow the steps below to get the information you need.

1- Visit and generate the API key.
2- Register and choose a plan. One is free and the rest paid.
3- Find the lumber and currency symbols you want to use, New Zealand Dollar in your case.
4- Once you have decided on them, make the API call.

Doubts? Questions? Use the virtual chat to communicate with a Commodities-API advisor.

Get Lumber Prices In New Zealand Dollar

Also published on Medium.

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