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How To Use An IP Location Lookup API

Do you want to know how to use an IP location lookup API? Then this article is for you!

You may use an IP lookup API or an IP geolocation API to determine the location of your end users. For example, if your business only serves clients in one place, this API enables you to provide more relevant information and services to your customers. The API may also be used to improve search functionality by incorporating accurate location data in search results.

There are various IP location databases to pick from. The bulk of vendors claim an accuracy of 98 percent or above. The location of the nearest ISP provider’s network hub may create minor differences in IP mapping to certain cities.

How To Use An IP Location Lookup API

Some of the benefits of utilizing IP Geolocation API are as follows:

  • Display social adverts depending on the visitor’s geographic location.
  • Send your users offers and discounts depending on their location.
  • Malicious users must be detected and avoided.
  • Users may be restricted based on their location.

But how does an API fit into this? To obtain the information stated in the preceding paragraph, you must employ technology, such as an API. This is a device that links two computers or programs and allows them to communicate with one another. With a few mouse clicks, you may access information from another location on the internet.

Enter any IP address in this field, and the API will return all information associated with that number. It’s largely geographical data, but looking at someone’s IP address might tell you a lot about them. This is critical for your website and will save you a significant amount of time and money.

How To Use This

APIs can be found online by using a software that provides them. There are many of them available for free use, but not all of them work in the same way. As a result, you should be cautious about the one you choose because making the wrong decision might cost you time and money.

To save time and simplify the process, we strongly recommend that you use ipXapi, one of the best IP geolocation APIs accessible. Because it is connected to several channels, this instrument may provide real-time IP data. The API’s database is updated on a daily basis, with up to 24 database changes.

How To Use An IP Location Lookup API

To make use of it, you must perform the following:

  1. Sign up for an account at to obtain your API key.
  2. Enter the IP address from which you wish data to be collected.
  3. Send it out and see how many people respond.
  4. Save the API to your computer and use it as needed.

About ipXapi

IpXapi supports over 2 million distinct locations in over 200.000 cities throughout the world. The IP statistics on this website are quite precise thanks to its database and API. It’s linked to a number of well-known Internet service providers (ISPs), who regularly supply data on new and current IP ranges. Because this software is linked to so many channels that offer real-time IP data, the API’s database is updated on a frequent basis, with up to 24 database modifications each day.

Also published on Medium.

Published inAppsTechnology
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