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Know Where Your Customers Are With An IP address API

If you want to know how to get more information from your clients I recommend you to keep reading this article. Here you will find information on how to do it.

Knowing the location of a client is really important. It helps a lot of things. Communication strategies can be better targeted if we know exactly where they are located. For there to be a sales operation, there need to be two elements which are the product or service, and the customer which as mentioned, here is a prospect as they have not bought anything yet, but how do you locate and classify those prospects for your business?

Potential prospects are those individuals who have the need to purchase a certain product or service and with whom, therefore, there must be an approach. Example: a person who needs to purchase car insurance; and therefore insurance companies will offer their services. Knowing the customer’s location is relevant for the purchase of similar products or services.

Knowing about the customer’s location is vital to implement effective positioning and customer acquisition strategies. Having customers in place allows us, as a company, to establish criteria. For example, where there are more customers you can implement discount codes for online shipping or implement some physical pick-up points.

Know Where Your Customers Are With An IP address API

Internet Tools:

That is why, through a geo IP API, it is possible to access data about the place of customers. An API is an application programming interface. It is a set of subroutines, functions and procedures. It provides a certain library to be used by other software as an abstraction layer.

There are numerous such APIS to get the IP address, but after an exhaustive time searching, we came to the conclusion that ipXapi is the best, most complete and reliable one. It provides really accurate information about where the device is geolocated. You can customize the user experience based on IP lessons.

There are the steps to try it out:

1. Go to

2. Introduce your IP address or click on the “look up” button.

3. Wait less than 1 second

4. Currently you can access all the information and keep it if you enjoy.

Know Where Your Customers Are With An IP address API

And ipXapi is combined with numerous channels that provide real-time IP data and its data is growing every day and currently supports more than 2 million unique locations. All over some cities near the world. Nevertheless , the data used by this API is revised regularly. The databases have by 24 updates per day. Executing it is really comfortable you can do it in just 10 minutes.

Published inAppsTechnology
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