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Newcastle Coal Futures API And Its Impact On The Energy Trading Industry

If you are a developer looking for an API to get Newcastle Coal Futures data, you’ve come to the right place.

Plant material gets transformed into coal when it is preserved for millions of years beneath sedimentary strata. The three main types of coal are bituminous, subbituminous, and anthracite. The majority of anthracite coal’s use is for home heating. It is a hard, black coal with low carbon. Bituminous coal, which is mostly employed in industrial settings, has a higher carbon content than anthracite coal. Subbituminous coal has a lower carbon content than bituminous coal and is mostly used for residential heating.

A Coal Prices API allows users to access data from the CBOT’s Newcastle coal futures market. This data can then be used by developers to create applications or websites that allow users to track the market or trade futures contracts.

Newcastle Coal Futures API And Its Impact On The Energy Trading Industry

Two computer programs can communicate data or features thanks to an application programming interface (API). Since they are connected via an API, they can now communicate in ways that would not be possible otherwise. In other words, an API serves as a communication channel between two systems that otherwise would not be able to interact.

Newcastle Coal Futures is used by the energy trading sector to trade coal futures contracts on the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT). Traders utilize these futures contracts to make predictions about the price of coal in the future.

Commodities API

Newcastle Coal Futures API And Its Impact On The Energy Trading Industry

The Commodities API, which is provided by more than ten distinct exchange rate data providers for commodities pricing, allows developers to obtain real-time data on valued commodities. The API contains a plethora of endpoints, each of which serves a specific purpose. The endpoint can receive API requests for currency data, daily changes, value conversion, and time series data for one or more currencies. It can also send API calls for the most up-to-date commodity rate data for all or a subset of currencies.

This API will provide a range of results depending on the commodity you’re looking for. In this case, we’re interested in learning more about coal. The API’s coal symbol (COAL) can be used to find up information about it:

{"data":{"success":true,"timestamp":1683666360,"date":"2023-05-09","base":"USD","rates":{"COAL":0.008},"unit":{"COAL":"per tonne"}}}

As shown in the response, one dollar equals 0.008 tonnes of coal.

All You Have To Do To Utilize It Is:

  • Simply join up at Commodities API, and you’ll be able to use the API immediately after!
  • Depending on what you want, use the various API endpoints and the symbols provided by the API.
  • Once you’ve located the required endpoint, simply click “run” to initiate the API call and view the outcomes on your screen.

The Agriculture Rates API offers data in more than 170 different currencies with a precision of two decimal places. You can send up to 100.000 API queries per month and get data updates every 60 seconds, depending on your subscription. A seven-day trial period is also included with this API.

Published inAd TechAPIAppsApps, technologyArtificial Intelligence (AI)E-commerceTechnology
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