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The Advantages Of Using A Robusta Coffee API For Automated Trading

If you are looking for robusta coffee APIs to automate your business processes, this article is for you!

Robusta coffee is a type of coffee that is known for its strong flavor and ability to withstand high temperatures. It is the most widely grown type of coffee in the world, and it makes up about 30% of the world’s coffee production. Robusta coffee is mainly grown in Southeast Asia and Africa, and it is often used in instant coffee. Robusta coffee is known for its high caffeine content, which makes it perfect for use in espresso-based drinks. It also has a higher percentage of caffeine than Arabica coffee. Because of this, it is often used in blends with Arabica coffee to balance out the flavor. Robusta coffee is less expensive than Arabica coffee because it is easier to grow and harvest.

If you deal in robusta coffee, you undoubtedly want to find strategies to boost your earnings and reduce your workload. Using an API is the greatest option for you as a developer. In order to connect to software and other services and utilize its features and functionalities, an API must be employed. Using the Robusta Coffee API in this situation allows you to automate operations and obtain data on robusta coffee prices and market trends. This approach will enable you to trade more accurately and profitably.

<a href="">The Advantages Of Using A Robusta Coffee API For Automated Trading</a>

Futures trading is the most popular type of trading in the coffee market. With the aid of futures contracts, buyers and sellers can agree on a price for a particular good or financial asset at a predetermined point in the future. At some point in the future, when the actual price might be greater or lower, the price decided upon today will be used for delivery.

This sort of contract’s key benefit is that it enables producers to fix the price of their products before they are made and delivered to market. This enables them to sell their product at a fair price and prevent unanticipated price changes.

It is advised to use the Commodities API. This well-known API precisely provides market data as well as robusta coffee pricing. It can be used to learn more about worldwide robusta coffee demand, supply, production, and consumption.

Commodities API

<a href="">The Advantages Of Using A Robusta Coffee API For Automated Trading</a>

The Commodities API, which is provided by more than 10 distinct exchange rate data providers for commodities pricing, allows users to access up-to-the-minute information on commodity prices. Each endpoint that the API provides serves a particular purpose and comes in a variety of endpoint kinds. Currency conversions, time-series data retrieval for one or more currencies, access to the most recent commodity rate data for all or a selected selection of currencies, and API searches for data on daily changes are all provided by the endpoint.

Here are some definitions that will help you understand the response from this API:

  • API Key: A unique key assigned to each API account used to authenticate with the API.
  • Symbol: Refers to the three-letter currency code or metal code of a given currency.
  • Base Currency: The currency to which exchange rates are relative to. (If 1 USD = X EUR, USD is the base currency)
  • Target Currency: The currency an amount is converted to. (If 1 USD = X EUR, EUR is the target currency)
  • Base URL: Refers to URL which all API request endpoints and URLs are based on.

Depending on the commodity you’re looking for, this API will give you a different kind of response. In this case, we’re looking for information on Robusta coffee. Using the symbol (ROBUSTA) provided by the API, we can look for information about Robusta coffee:

{"data":{"success":true,"timestamp":1681507440,"date":"2023-04-14","base":"USD","rates":{"ROBUSTA":0.00042301184433164},"unit":"per tonne"}}

As you can see from the result, one US dollar is equal to 0.0.00042301184433164 tonnes of Robusta coffee.

All You Have To Do To Utilize It Is:

  • Go to Commodities API and simply sign up, when you are done you’ll be ready to start using the API!
  • Employ the different API endpoints using the symbols given by the API depending on what you are looking for.
  • Once you meet your needed endpoint, make the API call by pressing the button “run” and see the results on your screen.

The Commodities-API offers data with a two-decimal place precision in more than 170 different currencies. Depending on the subscription you choose, you can submit up to 100.000 API queries per month and receive data updates every 60 seconds. Moreover, this API has a 7-day trial period.

Published inAd TechAPIAppsApps, technologyArtificial Intelligence (AI)E-commerceTechnology
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