Would you like to buy wheat for your company? If that is your case, before buying you should find out what its current price is. So… if wheat rates API is what you are looking for, you are in the right place!
Wheat is both the plant and the edible grain belonging to the grass family, they are divided between wild and cultivated. The origin of wheat is located in ancient Mesopotamia, with indications that it was cultivated from the year 6,700 BC. Today, wheat is one of the main crops, which together with corn and rice, supply 80% of the total food production in the world. Despite being mostly consumed in the West, the main producer in the world is China.
The wheat grain consists of three parts: the wheat bran, which is the shell that encloses the grain, the wheat germ, which is the nutritious part and the seed of the future plant, and the endosperm, which is the inner part of the grain, full of starch and protein. One of the products that is most produced with wheat is flour. It is the most important ingredient in most bread and pastry products, and is defined as the finely ground product, obtained from the milling process of the grain of mature wheat, healthy and dry, and industrially clean.
But in addition, it can also be used to create other products such as whole meal flour, semolina, beer and a wide variety of food products. Being such an important raw material and so consumed in the world, it is very important that each country can supply itself with this product; especially those nations that do not produce it. If that is your case, we recommend using the Commodities-API service to check the current prices of this product.

Why Commodities-API?
This service is an API (Application Programming Interfaces), public and free. Its job is to offer you the opportunity to see the prices of basic products such as cotton, ethanol, natural gas or wheat, the product you need. To obtain this information, you must first register on its website, select an available plan (free, basic and professional), receive the API key and then the symbol of your product. We recommend you review the documentation on the website, so you will be 100% ready to understand this system.
Another feature of the Commodities-API is its ability to provide data with a precision of 2 decimal places and an update frequency of only 60 seconds. Keep in mind that the latter will depend on the plan you choose, the benefits of the free plan with the paid plan are different.
In case you have any problems, the company’s customer service is online from 10 am to 7 (Eastern Time) to help you. Simply send a message via the contact form or email and the customer support team will be with you shortly. Urgent requests are usually handled within minutes.

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