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Use A IP Geo API That Allows Knowing Which Idiom The Users Have Set

If you want to know more information about your customers, you can implement an API on your website. Therefore, we recommend that you read the article in full. Here you will find information about how to do it.

Customers are the cornerstone of any company. Whether it is a big or a small one. If they could not exist a business. That’s why you have to know them well. Know what they think they want. What their tastes and opinions are. What characteristics they have and much more.

Keeping the customer happy guarantees success. This is guaranteed. If the customer is happy with the product or service provided, he will recommend the business and so everything will go up.

Use A IP Geo API That Allows Knowing Which Idiom The Users Have Set

Often you have to listen to them and understand them.  In this way, we can get closer to them and make more efficient communication strategies for them. It is often difficult to get information from users. There are many who are reluctant to share information or others who simply don’t like to talk so much.

That is why there is an easier way to get information about customers. This is through their IP address. With IP addresses you can access all kinds of information. For example, the country you are in, the city, the continent, your postcode and your longitude and latitude. On the other hand, with the IP address you can find out what kind of internet connection they have, information about the language, the currency they use to make economic transactions, the time zone, and many other things.

How does this work?

The information provided by the IP address can be obtained from an API that is installed on a website. This API reads the IP address and then displays the relevant information.

One of the APIs that does this job is called ipXapi. It is one of the most popular APIs on the market today. It is used by both large and small companies and everyone is very happy with its development and implementation. The results they got were excellent.

Use A IP Geo API That Allows Knowing Which Idiom The Users Have Set

The implementation takes less than 10 minutes. And it has different plans according to the amount of conversions made in a month. Plans can be canceled at any time. They can also be changed or upgraded. This API can be used in any city in the world. The response time is less than 20 milliseconds. The ipXapi database receives approximately 24 updates in a single day. This is really high compared to other APIS of this kind.

Published inAppsTechnology
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