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Month: March 2019

After 15 of startup experience: This expert wants to digitize the business with loyalty cards

Rewe, Karstadt, Ikea: In Germany, several retailers offer bonus programs and the accumulation of loyalty points. Their cards inflate the purses of users. The platform Yunar wants to ensure order in the wallet. It offers an app that collects more than 200 loyalty cards digitally and with which customers can…

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Google launches tools to protect your data in applications with artificial intelligence

Google announced a new library that will minimize the impact of machine learning in terms of privacy. Known as TensorFlow Privacy, this open source library is based on the theory of differential privacy, a statistical technique that seeks to learn as much as possible of a group without compromising the…

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How to be efficient in small and medium-sized companies? Learn all about this in this interview

HR start-ups are currently bringing a lot of fresh wind into the personnel scene. This series of interviews introduces some innovative solutions designed to make human resources work easier, more effective and more efficient in times of digitization. In my interview series “Start-up HR”, I speak today with Reza Madjidi…

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Schindler start-up offering software as a service leading a transformation in the real estate sector

Schindler announces the formation of BuildingMinds: The start-up aims to optimize the management and administration of real estate with a “Software as a Service” platform. In partnership with Microsoft, BuildingMinds uses the Microsoft Azure and the Dynamics 365 Cloud platforms. Property owners are benefiting from Microsoft’s intelligent cloud and business…

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