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Alternative APIs to get daily XPD rates for free

Are there a lot of APIs that can retrieve daily XPD rates? Don’t you know which one to choose? Here we show you three safe options!

Palladium is a soft, ductile, malleable, and rare transition metal of the platinum group. It is chemically similar to platinum too. This metal is typically discovered in copper and nickel mines. It’s mostly used in jewellery and as a catalyst.

On this hand, Palladium is a critical component in the automotive industry. It is required for the production of catalysts from gasoline car exhaust systems. On the other hand, this material has medical applications, such as blood glucose test strips.

Palladium is a by-product of platinum production in South Africa and nickel extraction in Russia, where the most important palladium reserves exist. With the international price crisis cost of the war in Ukraine, and Russia being one of the main manufacturers, an API that delivers real-time data on precious metals and currencies is essential. Because there are so many APIs to choose between, it can be difficult at times. Here are the most trustworthy options for you:

Three alternatives to daily XPD rates for free


Alternative APIs to get daily XPD rates for free

The features of this API include: delivering exchange rates for 170 precious metals. You can also convert single currencies and get the results from Time-series data back. It offers fluctuation data between two specific dates and the lowest and highest price of any day. They connect with the London Metal Exchange (LME) and fifteen other trustworthy sources. You can utilize a free account with a total of 50 API calls and an average speed of one hour. If you need assistance, Metals-API offers live chat support from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. every day. They only take a couple of minutes to answer.


Alternative APIs to get daily XPD rates for free

Kitco is an international metals trader and market data provider. This Montreal-based company has a global reputation as a prominent precious metals trader and provider of metals market data since 1977. Their work with gold, silver, platinum, palladium and rhodium has earned them international acclaim.

They focus on providing to both small and large investors’ demands. On the Internet, their services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Kitco offers direct home delivery and secure storage facilities.


Alternative APIs to get daily XPD rates for free

The name means Igniting the Exchange of Data. This company is the leader in market data cloud solutions. Xignite launched the first financial Data-as-a-Service (DaaS) service in 2006, bringing market data from the Amazon Web Services public cloud.

They provide the infrastructure that enables financial institutions to solve problems. This API also promotes the creation of new goods and services for clients without limitations from legacy technology.

Also published on Medium.

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