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Employ This Wonderful Tool To Get Soybean Prices In 2022

Would you like to take advantage of this moment to invest in soybeans? Currently, soybean is the commodity that is increasing its price the most, which is why many people want to know more about this business. In the next post, we will explain more details about an API that is the best soybeans price API.

Soybean is the most cultivated legume in the world, especially in China, where it originates and where it has been consumed daily for thousands of years. It contains a very high percentage of high-quality protein and certain substances that relate soybean consumption to beneficial health effects. Its scientific name is Glycine max and it belongs to the botanical family of Legumes along with chickpeas, grass peas, and lentils.

In addition, it is a legume with a very important energy value, which is approximately 416 kcal/100g. It has some nutritional characteristics that stand out since it contains remarkable amounts of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals. Its water content is very low reaching 10% of the total weight. If we list your main minerals in descending order we will have a list like this: iron, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, and zinc. Consuming soybean favors the hormonal balance of women and in men, it reduces the risk of prostate cancer.

Employ This Wonderful Tool To Get Soybean Prices In 2022

At present, soybean is the most famous commodity for its price. Since the beginning of 2022, the price of soybeans began to grow in the international market, with fluctuations throughout these 5 months, but this last week the rise was 28% and it is trading at US$ 636 per ton, approaching the historical figure of US$ 651 that arrived on September 4, 2011. To be alert to its prices in 2022, the best option is to use the Commodities-API service. With this new digital tool, you can be updated with the latest soybean prices.

Why Commodities-API?

Commodities-API is an API (short for Application Programming Interfaces) that is used by thousands of developers, SMEs, and large corporations. Its main mission is to be a bridge between you and the main financial centers around the world. With this data, you will be able to analyze the market and decide when the best time to invest in soybeans will be. All of this is delivered with a precision of 2 decimal places and a refresh rate of 60 seconds. In addition, its price should be noted, since it is not expensive (15 to 50 dollars per month). But there is also a free option with some limitations.

Employ This Wonderful Tool To Get Soybean Prices In 2022

Where does Commodities-API get information from? Is it reliable and up to date with current prices?

Currently, it works with a total of 15 data sources (including the World Bank.), which ensure 100% accuracy of the information provided. Many clients such as Barrick, Metex, Mansour, and Injective Protocol, certify the quality of the information. The Commodities-API API is encrypted using bank-grade 256-bit SSL Encryption.

We recommend that you go to the website and read the documentation about how to use this service. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Commodities-API customer service or send an email to [email protected].

Also published on Medium.

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