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Free Geolocation APIs By IP For Companies

Are you looking for the best geolocation APIs by IP? Then check these ones!

To discover the location of your end users, you may use an IP lookup API or an IP geolocation API. For example, if your company only serves consumers in one location, this API allows you to give more relevant information and services to your customers. The API may also be used to improve search functionality by including precise location data in search results.

There are several IP location databases from which to choose. The majority of suppliers claim an accuracy rate of 98 percent or higher. Minor changes in IP mapping to specific cities may result from the location of the nearest ISP provider’s network hub.

Free Geolocation APIs By IP For Companies

The following are some of the advantages of using IP Geolocation API:

  • Show social advertisements based on the visitor’s geographic location.
  • Send offers and discounts to your users based on their location.
  • Malicious users should be identified and avoided.
  • Users’ access may be limited based on their location.

But where does an API fit into all of this? You must use technology, such as an API, to acquire the information mentioned in the prior paragraph. This is a gadget that connects two computers or programs and allows them to interact. You may obtain information from another place on the internet with a few mouse clicks.

In this area, enter any IP address, and the API will return all information related with that number. It’s mostly geographical information, but checking at someone’s IP address might reveal a lot about them. This is crucial for your website and will save you a lot of time and money.

So, for this, an IP address API may be quite beneficial since it allows you to obtain a lot of information about a web client and establish a connection with them. But which one would provide you with the finest results? So, we’ve compiled a list of these tools for you to utilize:

Free Geolocation APIs By IP For Companies

1. ipXapi

ipXapi is a free website monitoring program that also serves as a powerful geolocation and IP address identification tool. Because of its database and API, this service provides a high level of accuracy in IP statistics. It is linked to a number of well-known ISPs, who provide regular updates on new and current IP ranges. Because ipXapi is connected to several channels that provide real-time IP data, the API’s database is regularly updated, with up to 24 database changes each day.

The application has over 2 million places in over 200.000 locations worldwide, and its time-zone module is pretty accurate.It supports IPv4 and IPv6 and gives IP data such as ping response time and location, device type and connection speed, hostname resolution, DNS control, IP network access details, SSL certificate information, WHOIS name server search, and many more features. You may search its database at any time to receive a full image of IP addresses, cities, and countries.

Free Geolocation APIs By IP For Companies

2. Ipstack

The first service on our list is an IP Geolocation API service noted for its simplicity and scalability. ipstack is a robust and highly scalable infrastructure that can handle millions of requests each day. The API has over 2 million distinct locations in over 200,000 cities worldwide.

Ipststack’s data is organized into five important components, which contribute to its ranking at the top of this list. The location module in ipstack allows you to define geographical limitations, optimize advertisements, and give a customised user experience based on the location of your website visitors.

You may also provide a personalized purchasing experience to your consumers by using ipstack’s currency module, which provides correct information about the currency used at the location from where the IP address was processed.

Free Geolocation APIs By IP For Companies

3. Abstract API

Abstract API is straightforward to use and set up, thanks to outstanding documentation, multiple extensive libraries, and tutorials. Their collaboration with different ISPs throughout the world enables them to provide you with data that is constantly correct. Their IPv4 and IPv6 address geolocation databases are both available.

Aside from geographical information, Abstract API will also supply you with information about the user’s time zone, current time, and much more. Abstract API is also useful because it enables CSV uploads for handling bulk queries.

Also published on Medium.

Published inAppsTechnology
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