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Geo API That Provides Information To Make A Group Of Clients

If you want to know how to make customer lists based on segmentation by characteristics I recommend you to read this article. Here you will find information on how to obtain customer information in a simple, safe, fast and free way.

Customer lists are able to define a segment of users based on a set of criteria. Customer lists are similar to ticket views. They allow you to create a list based on system attributes. Also on tags and custom fields. In this case, the list consists of a group of users instead of a group of tickets.

So you can use customer lists to get information about different segments of your customer base. Customer lists can be very helpful in the day-to-day running of a company. Knowing the customer better, you can reach them better.

Geo API That Provides Information  To Make A Group Of Clients

Information provided by an IP:

To be able to do this, you need access to information. This can be done in a very simple way that is implementing an API of IP geolocation on the website. Since from it, you can read the IP address of the user and access customer information. The information that can be obtained from the IP address is for example, the country or city where it is located. You can also find out what time of day they use their device, their postcode and information related to the type of ca and with that information you can speed up your work and even improve it. mbio they use when shopping online. We can also find out what language they use. There is a lot of information that can be obtained just by implementing such an API on the website.

Geo API That Provides Information  To Make A Group Of Clients

One of them is for example ipXapi, based on studies conducted in the market we came to the conclusion that it is one of the best in the market today. The information it provides is really very accurate and secure. It takes less than 10 minutes to implement. It is recommended by both developers and programmers. And the companies that already use it recommend it exponentially.

The database of this tool is updated around the clock. In one day it can receive up to 24 updates and is present in more than 20,000 cities around the world.

Published inAppsTechnology
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