Would you like to receive lumber rates in cryptocurrencies? If your answer is affirmative, we have good news to tell you!
We all know wood. It is a material present in our lives and in the lives of millions of human beings all over planet Earth. It is distinguished by having several characteristics such as its resistance, elasticity, hardness and its behavior by which it can absorb humidity both from the environment and in case of immersion in water. The main components of wood are cellulose, lignin and hemicellulose. There are other minor components such as resins, waxes, fats and other substances.
Other important characteristics of the lumber are its abundance, its economic price and it is very ecological, since it is totally renewable. Despite the fact that indiscriminate logging is a global ecological problem, there is always the possibility of repopulating entire hectares of trees, as they are doing now like the Great Green Wall in Africa. However, it also has disadvantages such as being susceptible to the action of environmental elements and numerous living beings can lodge in it, such as termites, ants, beetles, bacteria, and especially fungi and molds, which can degrade its molecules.
Be that as it may, no one can argue with the great importance of this raw material for humanity. Especially for the construction of houses, which are much cheaper than those made of cement. For this reason, there are many industries around the world that are in charge of this market, which are increasingly using cryptocurrencies.

If you want to see the lumber prices in different cryptocurrencies, we recommend using the Commodities-API.
What is Commodities-API?
This API is a service with the ability to deliver commodity data in real time with an accuracy of 2 decimal points and a frequency of up to every 60 seconds. This means that every 1 minute, you will be able to update the lumber prices (ideal to prevent unexpected price increases). In addition, this platform works with a currency convertibility system. This means that you will be able to observe commodity prices in the most comfortable currency for you. This also includes cryptocurrencies, as these are very important and will be even more important in the future.
Where does Commodities-API get the information from? Is it reliable?
Currently, there are a total of 15 data sources, which ensure 100% accuracy of the information provided. Some of its regular clients are prestigious international companies such as Metex, Mansour, Injective Protocol, among others.
We recommend you go to its website and read the documentation on how to use this service. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the Commodities-API customer service.

Also published on Medium.