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Site Traffic API: The SEO Tool You Need To Succeed

Do you want to enhance your website’s positioning and increase the number of visitors? You should try an API!

Any online business that operates needs to consider a website’s traffic. If you run a clothes store, for instance, your website is the primary medium via which you would market your goods and services. Monitoring the traffic to your website is so essential. You may learn a lot of information about your website visitors, like how many there are, where they are from, what pages they view, how long they spend on your site, and much more. In order to optimize user experience and boost conversions, you may utilize this information to improve the content and layout of your website.

You can use an Alternative API To Google Analytics to get information about your site’s traffic. This tool will provide you with information about the number of visitors to your site, where they are located (by country), the pages they visit most often, and more. By using this information, you can make adjustments to your website in order to increase engagement and conversions. Additionally, you can use this information to target specific demographics for marketing campaigns.

Site Traffic API: The SEO Tool You Need To Succeed

Businesses can use this data to target specific demographics for marketing campaigns, improve their conversion rates, and increase sales. Additionally, an API can be used to track the performance of a website over time. This data can be used to identify problem areas and make improvements to the website in order to increase its overall performance.

Given the variety of APIs available, selecting the ideal one for your needs may be difficult. However, we suggest using Site Traffic API because of its accuracy and accessibility.

Site Traffic API

Site Traffic API: The SEO Tool You Need To Succeed

With the help of this API, developers will be able to sort databases according to their own criteria. Are you interested in finding out which URLs get the most traffic? It might be beneficial to examine the pages with the highest bounce rates. Which URLs encourage visitors to stay the longest? You can assess your own page’s performance using this API. It is possible to infer user behavior from the measurement data collected. Find out the value of the ranks and pages. 

All You Need To Do To Make Use Of It Is:

  • Visit Site Traffic API and select “START FREE TRIAL” to begin using the API.
  • Once you’ve registered in the Zyla API Hub, you’ll be ready to access the API.
  • Depending on what you’re looking for, use one of the many API endpoints.
  • Use the “test endpoint” button to launch an API call after finding the necessary endpoint and see the responses on your screen.

Simply enter the URL of the website in the space provided. There will also be a breakdown of the traffic by country, monthly visits, engagement metrics such as average visit time, bounce rate, and pages per visit, and the traffic sources. True, they locate their customers online. Do sponsored advertisements draw the most users? This API will teach you that.

Developers can access the “Country List” and “Traffic Source and Overview” endpoints of this API. Using the “Country List” Endpoint, we requested the following answer from the API for the purpose of this demonstration:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        [{"name":"Afghanistan","alpha-2":"AF","alpha-3":"AFG","country-code":"004","iso_3166-2":"ISO 3166-2:AF","region":"Asia","sub-region":"Southern Asia","intermediate-region":"","region-code":"142","sub-region-code":"034","intermediate-region-code":""},

{"name":"Åland Islands","alpha-2":"AX","alpha-3":"ALA","country-code":"248","iso_3166-2":"ISO 3166-2:AX","region":"Europe","sub-region":"Northern Europe","intermediate-region":"","region-code":"150","sub-region-code":"154","intermediate-region-code":""},

{"name":"Albania","alpha-2":"AL","alpha-3":"ALB","country-code":"008","iso_3166-2":"ISO 3166-2:AL","region":"Europe","sub-region":"Southern Europe","intermediate-region":"","region-code":"150","sub-region-code":"039","intermediate-region-code":""},

{"name":"Algeria","alpha-2":"DZ","alpha-3":"DZA","country-code":"012","iso_3166-2":"ISO 3166-2:DZ","region":"Africa","sub-region":"Northern Africa","intermediate-region":"","region-code":"002","sub-region-code":"015","intermediate-region-code":""},

{"name":"American Samoa","alpha-2":"AS","alpha-3":"ASM","country-code":"016","iso_3166-2":"ISO 3166-2:AS","region":"Oceania","sub-region":"Polynesia","intermediate-region":"","region-code":"009","sub-region-code":"061","intermediate-region-code":""},


As you can see, a list of all the supported countries as well as a list of their codes will be provided. The traffic analysis will take the code into account. 

Important: Making HTTP or HTTPS calls with this Data Engineer API is not allowed. Moreover, avoid beginning the domain with www. Please only include the domain, such as “,” “,” etc. Subdomains are not supported either. only the top-level domains.

Published inAd TechAPIAppsApps, technologyArtificial Intelligence (AI)E-commerceTechnology
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