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The Definitive API To Understand U.S. Carbon Emissions By Year

With this Carbon API, it is possible to get information about the U.S Carbon emission by year. Let’s understand how it works. 

One of the most harmful pollutants to the environment is carbon dioxide. Currently, a significant portion of human activities produce high levels of CO2, and this percentage will rise as economic and social development accelerates. As a result, worldwide action is required to reduce these emissions.

Both natural and manmade sources of carbon dioxide exist. Animal respiration, fossilization processes, forest fires, and volcanic eruptions are a few examples of natural sources of CO2 emissions. Industrial processes, the burning of garbage or other materials, the use of fossil fuels as a source of energy, modes of transportation, and other human activities are examples of anthropogenic sources of CO2 emissions.

As you can see, companies and industries have a big impact on CO2 emissions. For this reason, it is crucial to integrate an API that has the possibility of calculating and tracking companies’ carbon footprints. Thus, they can be aware of their emissions and reduce their production.  

The Definitive API To Understand U.S. Carbon Emissions By Year

CO2 In The U.S.

Countries like The United States should be aware of such carbon emissions. This is because The United States belongs to the group of countries that emit more CO2 per habitant.  Since 2022 has not ended let’s go back to the year before and analyze The U.S. CO2 emissions.

In the United States, CO2 emissions in 2021 increased by 287,973 megatons, or 6.45%, from 2020. With 4,752,079 megatons of CO2 emitted in 2021, the United States ranked second out of 184 nations in the list of nations with the highest and lowest CO2 emissions. The list of nations is arranged from least to most polluting.

In addition to the country’s overall CO2 emissions into the atmosphere, which logically relies on the population among other factors, it is useful to examine the behavior of its emissions per resident. The table shows that in 2021 when they were 14.24 tons per person, the United States’ per capita CO2 emissions grew.

Time To Integrate A Carbon API

Evidently, It is time countries and companies all over the world like the US businesses should start making a change. The implementation of a Carbon API can be one of the first ways to start. 

Thus, with a Carbon API, companies can measure the emissions of  CO2. In consequence, they have more data on their impact and can take a different and more sustainable direction.  Therefore, a Carbon data API allows corporations and countries to:

  • 1. Calculate your carbon footprint to understand the effects of your actions
  • 2. List the principal sources that produce the most greenhouse gases
  • 3. Create plans of action based on reduction objectives that will typically result in lower expenses for the business
  • 4. And more

More About Carbon API

As you can see, keeping a reliable track of CO2 is essential for the health of the world. This is why the Carbon API should become a fundamental part of all companies. 

Thanks to the Carbon API, companies can track and understand the amount of carbon they emit. Carbon API’s interface facilitates providing such information by visualizing in graphics where it is possible to see the amount of CO2 emitted in a period of time. As result, it is possible to see how much carbon was produced in the US in the last year. 

This CO2 calculator API is one step in the right direction to change. If you want to start check and sign up.

The Definitive API To Understand U.S. Carbon Emissions By Year

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Published inAppsTechnology
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