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Top Rated API To Acquire Rhodium Prices In Japanese Yen

Are you looking for rhodium rates in the Japanese Yen? Then there’s an API that you might find useful.

Rhodium is a silvery-white transition metal that is chemically inert, robust, and corrosion-resistant. It is a valuable and scarce precious metal. Automobiles, which account for roughly 80% of global rhodium output, use rhodium as one of the catalysts in three-way catalytic converters.

Rhodium detectors are used to measure neutron radiation levels in nuclear reactors. Acetic acid and asymmetric hydrogenation, both of which are employed to generate medicinal precursors, are also made with rhodium.

In this scenario, the best tool for receiving real-time metals data is an API, which is an interface for getting data from a place and delivering it to the person who requested it. It’s actually that easy, and you’ll find yourself employing it in a variety of situations. The tool’s name is Metals-API, and we’ll show you how to use it.

Top Rated API To Acquire Rhodium Prices In Japanese Yen

Why Metals-API?

Metals-API started out as a simple, light-weight Open-Source API that gave users access to current and historical precious metals pricing as supplied by banks. Metals-API can provide real-time precious metals data via API with a precision of 2 decimal points and a frequency of 60 seconds.

All of these capabilities include delivering Precious Metals exchange rates, converting single currencies, providing Time-Series data, fluctuation data, and the lowest and highest price of each day. It contains values in over 170 metals (including rhodium).and a variety of currencies such as the Japanese Yen). 

Top Rated API To Acquire Rhodium Prices In Japanese Yen

How does it work?

1- will supply you with an API key.

2- Search the internet for a list of rhodium symbols (XRH) and monetary signs to discover the one you desire. The Japanese Yen has been chosen as the currency in this situation.

3- Make the API call after you’ve added metal and money to the list of symbols.

4- You have the option of using JSON or PHP as a programmer.

Also published on Medium.

Published inAppsTechnology
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