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What Is The AS Number Of An IP And How To Get It With A Geolocation API

If you don’t know what the AS number of an IP is but you need to obtain it, read this article to find out how to do it with an API. It is extremely simple and straightforward so you won’t need to learn difficult processes. Keep reading and get the info you need!

Did you know that an IP address can be used to determine a computer’s or device’s physical location on the internet? This is referred to as IP geolocation, and it has numerous applications. For example, online businesses can use IP geolocation to determine the country of their customers and tailor their website content to them. Law enforcement can use IP geolocation to track criminals, and parents can use it to monitor their children’s online activities.

What Is The AS Number Of An IP And How To Get It With A Geolocation API

What exactly is IP Geolocation?

IP geolocation refers to the process of mapping an IP address to a physical location. This method can be used to determine the country, region, city, latitude, longitude, and other information related to an IP address.

Many applications rely on IP geolocation, including internet ads, content personalization, and fraud detection. Recognizing the location associated with an IP address allows businesses to tailor their services and content to meet the needs of their users.

What Is The AS Number?

An Autonomous System (AS) is a group of IP networks that are managed by one or more network operators and adhere to a single, well-defined routing policy. When exchanging exterior routing information, each AS is identified by a unique number: the Autonomous System Number (ASN). An AS is sometimes referred to as a routing domain.

To perform IP geolocation, an API is typically used (Application Programming Interface). An IP address can be matched to a zip code, country region city, latitude longitude, or other data point using this API. IPv4 and IPv6 addresses can both be geolocated.

Which API Is the Best?

IpXapi, the best IP geolocation API for cybersecurity, was created by the Zyla API Hub to track and identify website visitors based on their IP addresses. Using the extensive collection of localization data provided by ipXapi, you can create geo-restrictions, improve ad targeting, provide users with experiences tailored to their region, or strengthen security measures.

What Is The AS Number Of An IP And How To Get It With A Geolocation API

IpXapi manages IP statics efficiently. This is because of its large database and straightforward API. These are linked to a number of reliable Internet service providers (ISPs), who regularly update both new and old IP ranges. Because of its connections to various channels that provide real-time IP data, the API is frequently updated. IpXapi offers one of the best global IP to geolocation APIs and services.

How to Apply It

IpXapi is extremely fast and simple to use. You can get a quick response with all the information you need with a few clicks. We’ll walk you through it right here.

1-First, create an account at

2-Enter the IP address in the required box to track the number of responses.

3-Consider the outcomes.

Published inAppsTechnology
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