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Free IP Geolocation API Using JSON

Are you searching for free IP geolocation API using JSON? We have the best solution for you, continue reading this article.

Nowadays, Geolocation is really useful for many companies in order to improve their business through getting data from their visitor. That’s why has increased the use of this technology due to the fact that detects this position using network routing addresses or a mobile device.

To get the geographical position of your visitor, it is common to use a system that used IP address API. This technology provides you with detailed information about the exact city, code, zip, state, continent, country, time zone, currency, latitude, and longitude in real-time which means the information is updated.

Free IP Geolocation API Using JSON

The information is based on regional, international, and local locations. Besides, there are a lot of formats such as JSON, Python, and Php Curl.

Currently, it is hard to find all the information in language programming such as  JSON on websites. JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a text-based standard for encoding structured data that is based on JavaScript object syntax. It’s often used in web applications to convey data (e.g., sending some data from the server to the client, so it can be displayed on a web page, or vice versa)

Many websites don’t provide the information due to the fact that it’s tend to be limited. That’s why recommend using IpXapi that it is considered the most complete and useful for developers, governments, banks, and other organizations. The main important thing is you will receive the data fast and accurate information in real-time and it is available for everyone, it is free.

Where Can I Find This Information?

First, ipXapi is a free website in which you will get a lot of localization data so you can set geographic limitations on your site, improve ad targeting, and provide users with different experiences depending on where they are. You will also have access to 10.000 free requests per month. However, if you want more, you can go to the website, where you can find a variety of plans. 

Free IP Geolocation API Using JSON

The ipXapi database and API are integrated with a number of large ISPs who routinely supply information about new and current IP ranges, resulting in a high level of IP data accuracy. Furthermore, this data might help you categorize and analyze your visitors so that you can better serve them.

There are over 2 million unique destinations available in over 200.000 cities around the world.

To get a free IP geolocation API, you need to follow these steps:

1- Visit and log in

2-Type in the IP address from which you want to collect information.

3- Send it out and wait for a reply.

4- Save the API and use it whenever you need it.

This is how it should appear:

Free IP Geolocation API Using JSON

Also published on Medium.

Published inAppsTechnology
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