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Best 5 FinTech Trends for 2019

2018 was a record year for FinTechs (see our FinTech annual review). However, the industry is undergoing dynamic change, which is why it will definitely remain exciting in the FinTech world in 2019 as well. The renowned magazine Bloomberg has identified the best five fintech trends for the new year,…

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Why 2019 will be a positive year for the growth of the Financial Societies

The sector of the multipurpose financial corporations (Sofomes) will grow between 20 and 40 percent during 2019, because the change of government opens up new development opportunities for these financial entities. The views of the banking sector The new president of the Association of Multiple Purpose Financial Societies in Mexico…

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The new 7 startups in Germany people are investing in

The week starts with many promising news for Berlin startups. Sunshine Smile Lakestar invests for information from 10 million euros in SunshineSmile. The Zahnschienen startup was founded by Peter Baumgart, Constantin Bisanz, Lukas Brosseder and David Khalil. The quartet uses SunshineSmile for invisible cosmetic splints – so-called aligners. The…

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