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The Complete Guide To E-Commerce Email Marketing

In this article, we are going to show you a complete guide to the best e-commerce email marketing tools! They can really boost your business if you learn how to use them right. Continue reading to keep updated on the latest news about the software industry. 

Nowadays a lot of companies with physical stores have an online website where they can sell products or services. This has highly increased since we had transited the pandemic quarantine when almost all shops were closed. In this context, social media became an ally, helping with virtual lists and linking with brand sites. E-commerce is now a daily activity, like going to the supermarket or watching the news.     

For the ones that have never heard about this term, it’s selling things and professional assistance through the Internet. This means that you can buy practically anything you need without leaving your home or workplace. You can access a website, select the items you want, put them in your shopping trolley and pay for them. It’s quite simple and saves you time and effort because you can do it, for example, from your phone. 

So, we can say that now e-commerce is stronger than ever and also has many advantages. Some of them are availability, speed of access, accessibility, international reach, low cost, personalization, and product recommendations. Although there are considerable ways -like B2B or B2C- they need the help of a powerful marketing tool: emails. 

The Complete Guide To E-Commerce Email Marketing

Email marketing consists of sending precise and well-targeted messages to achieve brand objectives like raising visits to their website. They are the base of any campaign because they allow you to build a communication channel with your clients. Shops use it very often to inform them about new offers, order confirmations, or track their payment details. No matter how many years have passed since its creation, it stills is effective and has a large reach.  

Due to its importance, if you have a shop, no matter if it’s small, medium, or big, you should start your email campaign now. But don’t worry, you are not alone! In the next paragraphs, we will review the best email marketing solutions that can help you set your strategy. Read them carefully and choose the one which suits your company’s goals like a pro.  

Best E-Commerce Email Marketing Tools


The Complete Guide To E-Commerce Email Marketing

This platform has an API, an application programming software that you can use directly or integrated with other tools. It’s a simple, affordable, and straightforward tool that can not only deliver emails but also design and customize them. Postr supports content that other options can’t like gambling, crypto, or pharmaceutical products. 

You will have 6 different plans according to the number of emails you need to send. But the best option for starters is the free plan where you can send 1,000 emails to 200 subscribers. Also, you can add contacts to make a huge list and have templates to create a catchy message. We recommend you make a free account to have the first trial and then, choose the program that suits you better! 


The Complete Guide To E-Commerce Email Marketing

Sendinblue is a tool that offers you a place where you could attract, engage and nurture your current customers or generate new leads. You can integrate it with more than 150 applications. As a result, you will save money and at the same time, your business and audience relationships will grow.

If you get started with this technology, you will have unlimited contacts, up to 300 emails per day, and 1 chat per user. Besides, it has an email template library and a mobile-friendly design. You can complement your campaigns with SMS marketing and customize other aspects too!    


The Complete Guide To E-Commerce Email Marketing

Using this platform you can organize and create your emails in an easy way. The only thing you need to do is to sign up and you will have cool attributes for free. For example 10,000 email credits, a drag-and-drop email builder, and full-featured API and webhooks. 

Also, in SendLoop you can import contacts from Google or Yahoo to SendLoop, schedule your emails before sending them, or check the spam rank. These features and their analytics will help you enhance your campaign and become the greatest e-commerce shop!

Published inAppsTechnology
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