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Use An API To Calculate CO2 Emissions From Fuel Consumption.

If you want to know your CO2 emissions in specific kilograms and in real-time, this article is for you. Read below…

Carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere have risen dramatically since the dawn of industrialization. CO2 emissions are mostly caused by the combustion of fossil fuels. Solid, liquid, and gaseous fuels are burned and emit CO2 into the atmosphere, resulting in air pollution, so-called warming, and ocean acidification. 

Use An API To Calculate CO2 Emissions From Fuel Consumption.

But luckily, we are able to suggest using an API (an Application Programming Interface) to calculate emissions with the best technology. The most efficient approach to receiving data on CO2 emissions created by your industry is through a system that calculates and offsets carbon dioxide emissions on a transaction-by-transaction basis in real-time. It can determine the volume of carbon released and put plans in place to reduce it. 

As a byproduct of this technology, your company will be recognised for lowering its carbon impact. Furthermore, you’ll see an impact on large-scale facts such as environmental care and on micro-scales such as your company’s statistics. There are many benefits to using this technology. One of them is that you can put your money towards environmentally friendly projects. A diversified project portfolio that includes nature-based climate solutions, renewable energy activities, and social programs to help disadvantaged countries migrate to sustainable energy.

So, if you’re interested in learning more, here we leave you the API option we believe is the best of its type: CarbonAPI.


CarbonAPI is a full-featured API for calculating your carbon footprint in real time. To lower your carbon footprint, you can use this information to invest in sustainable projects such as environmental conservation and renewable energy. CarbonAPI is committed to fostering sustainability, transparency, and accountability.

Use An API To Calculate CO2 Emissions From Fuel Consumption.

Their goal is to develop or promote climate-change-related projects that will reduce people’s negative environmental impact. This API can be used by developers to provide users with precise carbon emissions calculations.

The API determines the amount of fuel used and the distance travelled. CarbonAPI can help you use this information to offset your fleet’s carbon emissions in real-time. Even electric cars have a carbon footprint, which you may be able to lessen by using one.


It is simple to put into practise.

With the CarbonAPI cloud architecture, integrating user interfaces is simple. Make your API integration blend nicely with the look, feel, and operations of your firm. Our developer documentation includes information on endpoints and integration options.

Emissions are calculated in real time.

CarbonAPI can calculate emissions in production units per hour, material consumption units per hour, or any other unit that includes an emission component.

In reporting, authenticity and accessibility are critical.

You can load your account with up to a year’s worth of consumption. CO2 emissions in kilogrammes were calculated using CarbonAPI. This API also provides usage graphs that may be analysed.

Join The CarbonAPI Community.

To learn more, go to the CarbonAPI website.

1: From the drop-down option, choose “Register.”

2: Fill up the blanks with the information you have.

3: Make sure your email address is correct by double-checking it.

4: From the list, select the endpoint that best meets your needs.

Published inAppsApps, technologyArtificial Intelligence (AI)
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