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Use An Api to Obtain Aluminum Prices in Chinese Yuan

Would you like to be able to receive prices in the currency of your country (China)? Are you tired of always seeing international aluminum prices in US dollars? Well don’t worry anymore! Thanks to this tool you will be able to solve your problems.

This chemical element is a metal that is present in large quantities on our planet. Its components are found in animals, plants and stones, for example. Aluminum, whose symbol is Al, is used in numerous sectors of industry thanks to its properties. Its toughness, malleability and ductility make it a highly appreciated material for the manufacture of various types of products. Its appearance, which resembles silver, also allows you to create decorative elements or coatings.

Aluminum is sterile and therefore hygienic. It has no taste or smell. It can be recycled multiple times without losing quality. Does not absorb liquids. To give you an idea, aluminum has an infinite number of uses, such as food and beverage packaging (aluminum foil), pharmaceutical packaging (maintaining the hygiene of pills) and cigarettes, construction, cables, among other things.

Unfortunately, the war between Ukraine and Russia led to a spike in aluminum prices, reaching a record high of 22,634 yuan per ton. This is because Russia is the third largest producer of aluminum in the world and a large part of that production was destined for China or Europe; something that changed due to the armed conflict.

Use An Api to Obtain Aluminum Prices in Chinese Yuan

To be fully informed about these price variations in this metal, it is best to use an API, more specifically, Metals-API.

Try Metals-API!

Metals API is a software designed to offer you the updated prices of almost all the metals on the planet, obviously including aluminum. In fact, it has an accuracy of 2 decimal points and a frequency as high as every 60 seconds. In other words, if a significant price increase were to occur, it would take only 60 seconds for us to notice. This can make a very big difference in money, especially for those industries that have run into this shortage.

But furthermore, Metals-API knows that the US dollar is not the only currency in the world. Although other companies offer their prices only in dollars, Metals-API gives you the possibility to choose between 170 currencies from all over the world, including the powerful Chinese yuan. If you’re wondering where they get their prices from, they do so from 16 of the world’s most trusted and secure sources like LME, Barrick, Mansour, Metex, etc.

Use An Api to Obtain Aluminum Prices in Chinese Yuan

Also published on Medium.

Published inAppsApps, technologyTechnology
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