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Who Is Visiting Your Website?

Would you like to know where the people who visit your website come from; how long they stay on it before leaving; or if those people have become regular and loyal visitors? This is possible very simply. Using ipXapi, a free Saas tool, you can get all the information you need about who has been visiting your website.

Here we will show you some of the features that ipXapi has that can be of great help to get to know your audience better and know what they like most about your website, as well as those aspects that can be improved.

Who Is Visiting Your Website?

What is Geolocation?

When we talk about Geolocation, we are referring to the fact that any person or object can be located at a point in space, such as a mobile phone or a computer connected to the Internet. The concept of Geolocation Technologies is related to the use of positioning systems. This can be distinguished, emphasizing the determination of a significant position (the address of a street) and not only by a set of geographic coordinates. It is one of the most popular manifestations of the current development of information technologies and is recently experiencing a significant increase in popularity.

How Can You Know Who Is Visiting Your Website?

With an IP geolocation API you can easily identify the location of a smartphone, desktop PC, or laptop, based on its IP address. It then returns detailed data points back to you for analysis. Generally, the data you collect includes a user’s country, region, and city. Some APIs also provide the latitude, longitude, postal code, time zone, and currency of a particular location. This will depend on the quality of the software and, depending on your needs, you should find the best IP API for you. This allows you to provide a customized user experience on your website.

IpXapi: A Simple And Complete API To Know Who Has Been Entering Your Website.

IpXapi is a free website monitoring application that also serves as a sophisticated geolocation and IP address identification tool. Because of its database and API, this service provides a high level of accuracy in IP statistics. It is linked to a number of well-known ISPs, who provide regular updates on new and current IP ranges. Because ipXapi is linked to several channels that provide real-time IP data; the API’s database updates daily, with up to 24 database modifications per day.

Who Is Visiting Your Website?

The software supports both IPv4 and IPv6, and it gives IP data such as ping response time and location; device type and connection speed; hostname resolution; DNS control; IP network access details; SSL certificate information; WHOIS name server search; and many more features.

If You Want To Learn More About IP APIs Check…

What is IP Geolocation and How Do I Use It?

A Beginner’s Guide To IP Geolocation APIs

Also published on Medium.

Published inAppsApps, technologyArtificial Intelligence (AI)SaaSStartupsTechnology
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