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How Plagiarism Detector APIs Ensure Academic Integrity

Do you attend school or university? If you need to write an academic essay or some important text, you should use this API! Keep plagiarism at bay by reading this article!

A serious academic offense and form of cheating, plagiarism. When a student submits work that was either plagiarized or otherwise not their own, it occurs. The original content is then hidden from the marker through poor referencing, paraphrasing, or outright omission.

Academic fraud is a serious problem because it devalues all degrees in the end, which is bad for both students and the university. The evaluation of a student cohort’s work also introduces a fundamental and unavoidable distortion. Due to this, the unidentified plagiarist will undoubtedly receive better grades and a higher degree than a student who complies with the rules.

How Plagiarism Detector APIs Ensure Academic Integrity

Despite the fact that there are many reasons why students choose to steal or plagiarize. All plausible explanations exist, from a more sincere lack of comprehension to blatantly dishonest intentions. The following are the general justifications for cheating or plagiarism that students most frequently provide:

  • Aspire to succeed in school and fear failing
  • Procrastination or a lack of organization
  • Lack of enthusiasm for the task
  • They believe they will not be found
  • They don’t understand the policies at their university or about plagiarism.

None of these circumstances should be used as an excuse for plagiarism, academic dishonesty, or any other unethical behavior. Students who choose to cheat or use plagiarism not only give themselves an unfair advantage on assignments, but also disregard the efforts of the other students in the class. For this, we advise using Plaraphy API, which will assist you in preventing plagiarism in your academic works.

About Plaraphy

Plaraphy is a paraphrase generator with an API that generates accurate results. It works as a smart article rewriter by replacing all words in phrases with synonyms. You can upload PDFs, Word documents, and PowerPoint presentations to have them paraphrased in seconds!

How Plagiarism Detector APIs Ensure Academic Integrity

When they need to write something important, copywriters, students, and even seasoned writers use this rewriter tool to help them produce better results. The Plaraphy website is constantly being improved to give users the best results from this incredible paraphrase tool!

You can use Plaraphy‘s AI Rewriter as many times as you’d like because it’s unlimited! Simply adhere to these steps, and you’ll have fresh text in no time!

1- To obtain AI Plagiarism checker, click here. To use it, you don’t have to sign up!
2- Decide whether to rewrite, analyze, or summarize your content. You must also specify the mode in which the text should be rewritten if you choose this option (Standard, Fluency, or Creative).
3- Type, paste, or upload the text you want to replace to fill in the blanks.

That simple and fast! In no time, you’ll be sending API requests! You may also be restricted to a specific amount of API queries each month, depending on your subscription. To explore Plaraphy‘s pricing and pick the best plan for you, click here.

With this knowledge in hand, you can always use Plaraphy API to target your business on the needs of the clients you want to attract and keep!

You might also want to read:  Reasons To Employ A Sentiment Analysis API In 2023

Also published on Medium.

Published inAppsTechnology
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