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Is There A Free Sentence Rephraser API To Boost My Texts?

If you are looking to be more productive and need a tool that is capable of automatically rephrasing sentences in a few seconds keep on reading this article. We will guide you in how to use a sentence rephraser API.

One of the primary purposes of sentence rephraser APIs is to save time when creating new texts that want to maintain the same message as the original. They all work in a similar way but all have different features that may or may not meet your needs.

Articles can be rephrased by applying different techniques that change the structure of the content without affecting its context. A process that involves stringing together words, using synonyms, and altering the way sentences are built. Obviously, the results are pretty good, but we cannot compare them with the quality of writing done by a person so you have to check the results given by the API.

Is There A Free Sentence Rephraser API To Boost My Texts?

Technology is becoming more widespread in all aspects of life. It simplifies, integrates, and smooths our lives. The top reason why the writers use tools to make their writing is that they make it more appealing, faultless, and grammatically correct with less effort. These tools are the simplest method to give your writing a professional tone. You don’t require any additional knowledge or skills. Artificial intelligence can help beginners improve their writing skills, and pros can save time and effort by using these tools.

Professional writers and regular people alike benefit from the use of technology in the form of simple tools. The following tool is one of many that can help people improve the quality of their writing.


This sentence rephraser API is powered by cutting-edge AI to rephrase your texts. It detects plagiarism and summarizes. And even analyzes the sentiment that the writer imprinted in the text.

With Plaraphy you can rephrase 500 characters at once for free, improving its quality. This API makes sure it is error-free and safe from plagiarism. You also can summarize anything you need. It features three modes based on the objective and readability you desire, being the three of them Standard, reliable to maintain the meaning; Fluency, which it ensures is free of errors and highly readable; and Creative it rephrases the content completely, leaving very little risk of plagiarism.

If you’re not happy with the result, right-click and choose something else.
All main languages are supported by Plaraphy. You can maximize the number of characters per request by signing up for its paid plans but it isn’t necessary at all to use the API.

Is There A Free Sentence Rephraser API To Boost My Texts?

Follow these steps to use Plaraphy

Not only does it save you time rephrasing your content, but using it is also very easy and fast.

  1. Once you selected the content you want to rephrase go to the sentence rephraser API web, you can click here.
  2. Select the ‘rewriter’ option, you can also select if you want it to detect plagiarism by turning the ‘unique’ option by ‘true’ and then the mode you want it to apply to your rephrased text.
  3. Validate your captcha and then click on ‘Paraphrase’.
  4. After a few seconds you will have your rephrased content, just copy and use as you need.

You will find it is as simple as it seems. Now it is time to start improving your texts!

Related post: Discover secret feelings with sentiment analysis

Also published on Medium.

Published inAppsTechnology
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