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A curated guide to start using rewriter APIs

Are you interested in using rewriter APIs? Don’t you know where to start? We have elaborated on a specific guide that can help you!

Through these changing times, you feel left out of everything, and you believe that everyone is living and working more simply than you. You need to know what an API means and its characteristics, but you can’t find the way or the correct explanations to start.

We are dealing here with an innovative creation of the last years. Its utilization is multiple, and many companies are in the process of developing one to extend their services as well as attract more clients.

Writing isn’t a simple activity, and if you make a living of it, there are a lot of pressures and insecurities surrounding it. Maybe, if you help yourself with an API, you can relieve the number of responsibilities without causing a decrease in your daily production. Paying or without a cost, it will surely bring solutions to your life instead of headaches.

A curated guide to start using rewriter APIs

A guide with three rewriter APIs to start using now

A curated guide to start using rewriter APIs

A lightweight communication circuit with easy access is a great way to start using rewriter APIs. Its target is students, developers, marketing groups, and all types of content creators. You can create an account for free and then move to a paid plan with more features.
Another good point is that an API like this doesn’t occupy much memory: you can add it to your writing tool or as an extension in your search. It has other functions like a text summarizer and a sentiment analysis.

A curated guide to start using rewriter APIs

This software creates many versions of the text you paste so you can choose what’s best for you. The results are well qualified, and the best part is that you can increase your productivity without spending more time on it. It has a three-day free trial to enter its world and see how it works. Besides, it offers paid plans per month and year. First, you can try them for free after signing up here: Also, they have API access if you prefer to incorporate the tool into your writing program.

A curated guide to start using rewriter APIs

This software is the most simplistic alternative you’ll ever know. You don’t have to add anything to your devices or servers. It only works by searching for its website:, and putting the paragraphs you want to paraphrase inside the empty box. It has a limit of ten thousand characters to use. You need to click the ‘paraphrase now’ button to start the process. It’s free, and you don’t need to create an account. With this software, the selection of words is careful and relevant.

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Also published on Medium.

Published inApps, technology
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