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An approach to redaction with a Rephraser

Don’t you know what Rephraser is? Are you looking for a user guide? We have created one for you!

Sometimes you can feel a little conservative when giving your opinion about the writing process. Maybe, you prefer handwriting on a regular paper and make it a ball to throw it away when you dislike what you wrote. In a day, perhaps you do that a thousand times.

At the same time, many people found another way to confront text production by utilizing newer tools that involve screens and buttons. For instance, a program that can save the multiple versions you did from a text if you want to go back to one of them. We have to admit that it is a much more understandable mechanism than paper. Have you ever tried to read notes of your own hands that you couldn’t understand? Sometimes our calligraphy is disastrous.

Above all, we have multiple alternatives now, which are more comfortable and can keep anything we want. Plus, suggest changes and new ways of redaction that we didn’t think of. For all these reasons, it’s time to leave behind the romanticism regarding writing and take advantage of every new tool we can reach.

An approach to redaction with a Rephraser

An approach to redaction with a Rephraser such as Plaraphy

When you describe a rephraser, the truth is that it’s never only that. Generally, you’ll see many features together with a Rephraser, at least with Plaraphy.

The menu also includes a summarizer to make texts shorter by selecting the most relevant concepts. Then, a sentiment analysis that captures the emotions of the text’s author. And the main contribution is the rephraser that changes sentences in correct and understandable order. That last feature also counts with a synonyms scale to check if you don’t like the result and choose more or fewer synonyms.

A rephraser with more than one approach to redaction

Plaraphy bets on originality, and that also means avoiding plagiarism. To put that maxim into practice, they have four writing modes at your disposal to orient the rephrase in a certain way.

It’s safe to say that the creative mode is the most secure against plagiarism. The algorithm makes the most unexpected combinations without miss grammar laws. But you can find a fluency mode that returns a readable text, lighter than the original and with no mistakes. Moreover, there are two more basic redaction styles, the standard and the formal. Both are more faithful to the usual meanings of words, and some structures can remain. With the last two options, Plaraphy doesn’t adjust everything.

And finally, some advice: always remember to choose a redaction mode that matches the specific context of writing you need to paraphrase.

An approach to redaction with a Rephraser

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