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Free Text To Speech Software With South African Voices

Do you feel a little overwhelmed about all the things you have to do? Most of the days we are so busy that 24 hours are not enough. If you are holding a help sign, like the man in the picture below: don’t panic! We have good news for you. There is Free Text To Speech Software that will give you, not a hand but a friendly voice and in your own language.

But firstly, what is an AI technology? In a few words, a digital environment that uses machine learning codes to emulate different human abilities. In the last 10 years, these technologies are across the Internet and work on all the devices.

To avoid that, some websites have a validation system before you can enter. For example, the reCAPTCHA pop-up window appears when you are trying to access a site with sensitive information. You have to identify that are human and not a robot choosing all the cars with the mouse or finger.

Free Text To Speech Software With South African Voices

What do AIs do? It’s very simple, in some cases its function is to identify visual patterns and copy the decisions a person would make. They learn from the repetitions of the users. Text-To-Speech is a kind of AI that uses an application programming interface (API) to make its duty. That means that transform any digital text you provide a natural, very realistic, and human-like voice reading the content.

These voices are made with speech synthesis from real people’s recordings adapted to the AI code. If you have a lot of things on your to-do list and want to save some time, a good way to multitask is using Free Text To Speech Software!  want to save some time, a good way to multitask is using it! We compile here some of the best options with a South African accent because we believe that everyone should have the technology for improving their lives. They are Woord, Inclusive Solutions, and Qfrency. 

Free Text To Speech Software With South African Voices


This is a TTS with more than 21 different language options and at least 50 voices to custom it! If you are from a specific country, like South Africa, you can choose French or English and some accents or dialects. You can use the same website to hear your audio or add the Chrome Extension. Woord is at your service, for reading aloud a site article, your Google Docs or Notes, and much more!

Free Text To Speech Software With South African Voices

Inclusive Solutions

This platform provides Text-To-Speech solutions for reducing disabilities and making the best education. They have a demo for trying some speaking and have a lot of local South African dialects like isiZulu, Tshivenda, and Setswan! You can select the gender between male and female and also children’s voices.

Free Text To Speech Software With South African Voices


Do you know that South Africa is a multilingual country, with eleven official languages? It has a lot of diversity and richness! With Qfrency you can choose between them in the demo sector of the page to hear how it will sound. You would select a gender and custom other features. Make your projects better and promote inclusivity with this app! 

Published inAppsTechnology
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