Do you have any bookworm account? If your answer was yes, you already know that sometimes is difficult to find time for reading your books. They remain on your digital bookshelf, waiting for you. But we have a suggestion that will change that: turn your favorite stories into Audiobooks! Keep reading to know how to do it.
Goodreads is one of the most known websites in the literary community. A lot of writers, booktubers, and bookstagrammers have a profile on it. It helps readers find their next book and share what they think about it with their friends. Besides, it works with an API system, so you can connect with other users, see the books they have on their shelves, read the reviews and even comment on them.
This online and free platform recommends books to you based on the genres and type of stories you like, your previous readings, and the titles you enjoyed. It’s like a big library but much better! Also, you can see the books that you’re reading right now, the ones you have read, and the ones which are on your ‘to read’ list. You can search by authors, titles, or ISBM code.

On this wonderful site, you will also find news, interviews, love lists, challenges, and awards. It’s the completest reading application. If you are a writer or a publisher you will have an authoring program and the possibility of making advertising. You can promote your books in a massive read lover space!
But what happens when you have a full bookshelf and no time to read? You’ve already chosen the books that caught your attention on the base of Goodreads suggestions. Although you really want to read them, there are so many things to do! That’s why we are here, to give you a friendly and comprehensive hand. Using Woord, a great text-to-speech AI you won’t worry about how to organize your time anymore.

Woord API for Audiobooks
How can Woord help you read? With its potent API technology, it converts the text from the book to high-definition audio. What you have to do is, firstly, make an account. And secondly, download the extension and set it into your Chrome navigator. As a result, you can hear your novels every time you enter Goodreads.
If you want to do it in a subway, for example, or in a place without an Internet connection, you should copy and paste the link to the book into the Online Reader section. Then, you save the audio as an MP3 file and listen to them like Audiobooks or podcasts. You can choose over 50 different voices, with 3 gender options and some accents too! The audio voice you will hear can be customized by changing the pace or the pauses. This is for you to feel comfortable and focus on the content. For the best reading in an alternative format, choose Woord!