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Here Are Some Tips To Be A Good Cosplayer

Cosplayers are very common characters at comic and anime conventions. These are fans who make the costumes and behave like the characters during the convention. If there are good cosplayers, you will see that the atmosphere is cheerful and very colorful, and you will be able to get incredible photographs featuring many of your favorite characters, even from different series and publishers, from Iron Man and Captain America to Tanjiro and Miku. However, there is never a shortage of cosplay fails, which, let’s face it, are sometimes the best of everything. But I doubt you want to become famous for failed cosplays, right? Therefore, Here Are Some Tips To Be A Good Cosplayer.

Here Are Some Tips To Be A Good Cosplayer

1. Originality And Simplicity

Carefully choose your character. You won’t get much of an impact if you dress up as Naruto or L. Nowadays these characters are usually seen between 10 and 15 times in small events, so don’t even mention them if you go to a big convention. In any case, choose characters that you like, and if you end up choosing a very popular one, remember that the most important thing is to have fun and try to portray the character correctly.

Nor should you choose characters that are very complicated and full of details. If it is your first cosplay, it is best to select a direct character, without too many complications. That way you can focus on good rendering and the overall look of your character.

2. Put A Deadline

If by your deadline the cosplay is not ready, it is better to prepare it better for the next event. Otherwise, you will attend with a half-done characterization and that is never well-received. A top-tier cosplayer knows when her costume is ready and when he needs a little extra work.

3. Choose A Character That Looks Like You

A good cosplay will usually be of a character with whom you share some visual elements. It is no use making a character extremely fat if we are skinny or vice versa. Choose carefully the character you want to represent, that way your cosplay will make the most impression when entering the event.

4. Make Drawings To Have The Complete Costume

It is important to make sketches and drawings so that our suit has all the details and you are not going to forget any. Emotion often makes us make mistakes or forget some important detail, so it is advisable to make sketches of the different parts of the costume so that nothing important is missing when designing the costume that we are going make.

5. Practice Poses

In addition to the costume, a very important element in good cosplay is the character’s poses and attitudes. Practice making your behaviors similar to the character you want to play, so the effect of your cosplay will be more amazing.

An Extra Tip: Check Woord‘s Text-To-Speech For A Flawless Japanese

A Text-To-Speech tool, also known as a text reader, or TTS, for short, is a technology that “reads” digital texts aloud. These tools require almost no effort on the part of the user; other than copying and pasting the text they want to be read. Then, through a clever algorithm, the text-to-speech reader makes an audio version of that text available. While each TTS tool works differently, the most advanced technologies support a wide variety of languages; they also offer many natural-sounding male, female and non-binary voices. As there is a wide variety of options, here we recommend you Woord, which has 6 realistic voices for the Japanese language.

How to use Woord

Follow these simple steps to create a voiceover with Woord‘s TTS for your otaku project:

  • First things first: sign up at or use the Online Reader at
  • Next, write the script on the whiteboard or select your file
  • Then, select a voice in Japanese, as well as gender, pace, and device
  • Finally, press ‘Speak It!’
  • If you’re satisfied with the result, download the MP3 file; if not, you can simply edit it on the SSML editor.
Here Are Some Tips To Be A Good Cosplayer

And that would be it! Is as simple as following those five steps.

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