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Which API Provides Dutch Belgium Natural Voices?

Belgium straddles the border between Germanic and Romance-speaking Latin Europe, and this position is reflected in the country’s politics, culture, and linguistic makeup. In Belgium you will find speakers of Dutch, German, French (not to mention the mixture of various dialects) all living together in a not-so-extensive territory. It is important to take this into account when offering our products. Keep reading Which API Provides Dutch Belgium Natural Voices?, we will tell you about Woord, a tool that includes many dialects.

Which API Provides Dutch Belgium Natural Voices?

Benefits Of A Multilingual Website

The Internet spans the globe, it’s true. But not everyone is able to communicate in the same language. In fact, our diversity has increased to the point where it is usual to discover nations with more than one official language.

People prefer to browse websites, to obtain information or purchase goods and services, that are in their native language. English may be the universal language, but that doesn’t mean that everyone understands it. Research shows that 72.1% of consumers spend most or all of their time on websites in their own language and that 56.2% of consumers said the ability to get information in their own language is more important than price . Yes, you heard that right, more than half of the consumers surveyed said they are willing to pay more if the information is in their own language.

A multilingual website helps build trust. For many, shopping online from a foreign language website requires a huge leap of faith, especially if the website is written in a language in which the user is not fully proficient. People tend to feel more comfortable and trust brands that offer information in their language. Being able to read and understand what is written on the website greatly increases the user’s trust in the website. Also, the fact that you took the trouble to use your native language shows that you are customer focused and really care.

A multilingual website offers the potential to increase sales.

Your website’s ability to be translated into more languages has the potential to significantly boost revenues. In addition to targeting your local market, having a multilingual website will also attract Internet users from other countries. While Internet penetration in countries like the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany has nearly reached saturation, other countries like Italy, France, Japan, and many others are experiencing steady growth in Internet usage, including online shopping. This is a great opportunity for anyone that has interested in doing business abroad.


Woord is a without-charge online text reader with a variety of useful features. It contains more than 50 languages, including a variety of dialects. Furthermore, this API allows one to choose between masculine, feminine, or non-binary voices. All of these features are available without charge, allowing you to test the service before purchasing the premium version. Premium voices, a Chrome plugin, an SSML editor, an MP3 download, and up to 20,000 characters each month are all included in the without-charge edition. With this program, you may also adjust the voice’s speed and format.

Nonetheless, we recommend that for commercial use you buy a premium subscription to this natural voices API; they are economic and ready for commercial use. Also, with the premium versions of Woord, you 100% own intellectual property for all files.

Which API Provides Dutch Belgium Natural Voices?

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